Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Erik versus the Volcano
I'm frantically writing this blog from the hotel lobby on my work laptop which is a PC. And for some reason it's giving me one heck of a time. But anyway yeah I've been to heaven and back this weekend. Carrie and I went to Lake Taal in Tagatay, just 1 1/2 - 2 hours from Manila.
Last week I made a positive connection with my cab driver on the way back from Ultimate Frisbee at the Univ of Philippines. His name was Bert, he wears long black gloves and has a lot of spunk. He said to call him if I ever wanted a ride out of town. So I did. For the equivalentof $40 each way we had our own personal driver. For just a bit more we could have setup a driver from the Shangri-La in a nice air conditioned sedan, but what's the fun in that? There's a lot more excitement in a beat up old taxi with a wiley cab driver who grew up just a short distance from Tagatay.
The one picture sans-people is the view from the Taal Vista Hotel. Obscenely gorgeous. The lake is actually a crater created the last time this highly active volcano bursted it's top. And the island is actually another volcano. In fact I'm told it is truly the smallest volcano on the planet. Carrie's horse guide informed her that it is teetering on a level so volatile that if it gets even slightly worse, they will be forced to evacuate the island.
Some other high points would be my first ever ride in a little motorcycle buggy. I've avoided them in Manila due to the insanity of traffic and the availability of cheap taxis. But in Tagatay there were no taxis and the traffic wasn't so bad. So we went for it. Then we went for it again, and again. That was it. Three times the charm.
The picture of the cabana is our table for dinner at Leslie's, it hangs out over the ledge to the lake. When we saw it earlier in the day I knew we needed to dine there, so we made the reservation. There are a few pictures of us sitting at the table. I can say all around the best dinner of my life. Garlic mushrooms, creamy scallops, local tawhili fish (which you can see Carrie eating live), prawns and tuna and an unparalleled view.
Finally before heading back to Manila on Monday we took a boat ride over to the island. Totally to our surprise they mounted us on a pair of trusty steeds shortly after we hit the shore. At the top we had a birds eye view of yet another lake within the main crater, viewable on this page. The water has an unmistakeable sulfuric odor. With a squint you can even make out some of the smoke in the picutres. If not check out the larger more detailed versions at http://picasaweb.google.com/sstarlinus/LakeTaalTheAngryVolcano


Unknown said...

Nice to see your drinking some local beers and eating the local food. I'm hope to see a thorough "beer report" at some point.


Carrie Donovan said...

After daily tastings and moderate research, the unofficial Filipino Beer Report (or FBR as it will now be known) thus far consists of:

San Miguel Light
San Miguel Strong Ice
San Miguel Pale Pilsner
San Miguel Super Dry
and Red Horse (brewed by San Miguel)

We may have to venture a blind taste test, but I'll leave it to Erik to document that one.

Unknown said...

These photos are weak sauce Johnson. I can't even get a good look at your ladyfriend to admiringly nudge you. These photos are too small. What am I the magnification authourity. I'm beligerent! I want answers!!!

In other news, you missed out on Thomp and I decending on Brooklyn for the Fourth, complete with tie demolishing, knock down, drag out, garbage pile shoving brawls in the street, the finest beer on the lower east side, terrible theater, the Nathan's International Hot Dog Eating Contest, rides on the Cyclone, and an epic argument between Adam and I regarding whether it is okay to pee in his neighbor's garbage can.

Oh, and you can trust Red Horse. My friend JJ, whose wife is half Filipino (and therefore they visit a lot) swears by it. Whether watching a Filipino stripper open a bottle of cream soda with her hooha, or simply enjoyng fight night on a lazy evening, Red Horse is the shit that will fuck up your shit. Observe:


In any case, is this the best way to communicate with you, or are you rocking the e-mail too?

I hope you are filled with gratitude over being the poop machine that gets to do what you are doing. But I know you are. You fuck.